Even dodging ‘name Day of the Dead Floral Sugar Skull T-Shirt because of ‘cowardice’ is ok. Dulce et decorum est, the old lie, is exactly that. The idea that it’s appropriate to be willing to die for your country. The idea that if you’re not willing to die for your country, there’s something wrong with you. What is often called the Religious Right or (New) Christian Right today emerged in its present form in response to an appeal made by. Richard Nixon during his presidency to America’s “silent majority. Amid the protests of the Vietnam era, Nixon was sure that a silent majority of
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Americans sometimes called the Day of the Dead Floral Sugar Skull T-Shirt “silent generation” agreed with him and his handling of the situation. Before too many years had passed, a Virginia Independent Baptist pastor with a simply formatted television worship service, Jerry Falwell, had formed a political action group, the Moral Majority, that attempted to move the silent generation at least to send money to allow him to lead the nation to righteousness. The formation of Falwell’s group coincided fairly closely with the election of the nation’s first bona fide “born again”. The Moral Majority would support tangentially Christian Ronald Reagan, not Carter, in the 1980 presidential election.
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