I’ve been hearing from Sugar Skulls Day Of Dead Sans And Fell T-Shirt more. Conservative friends about Pelosi playing politics and delaying this bill by. Demanding green new deal be included and 100m funding for arts… I assume this has some sort of basis in fact, but what’s the actual story there?: found an article on Politico. Looks like both sides were trying to sneak in some extra provisions (not surprised). But the delays started with Republicans pushing the. Democrats out of negotiations over the weekend, rewording and reworking parts of the bill, and the hoping. Dems would cave and vote for the bill just to get it through.
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Dems held fast, tried to Sugar Skulls Day Of Dead Sans And Fell T-Shirt push in some ulterior motives, republicans did the same, then everyone got their shit together watched a whole day of grandstanding on CSPAN this week. From my understanding, the reason both parties tried to slam in unrelated spending was that McConnell is not allowing amendments to be made to the legislation after debate on a bill has begun. Basically, the Republican-led Senate put together a bill that was mainly.
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