Fuel conservation Awesome Classic Muscle Car Torque Garage Hot Rod Shirt helps us to make our planet a more habitable place. We must also acknowledge how scientists are continually trying to develop alternative sources of fuels. We must conserve and use fuel wisely to make Earth a better planet. Fossil fuels are non-renewable fuels that take a long time to form and are harmful to the environment. Coal, petroleum, etc., are fossil fuels. The connection between oxygen, water, and our life is that the former two cannot exist without the prior, but vice versa is possible. Our survival primarily depends on oxygen in the air we breathe and water.
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We have Awesome Classic Muscle Car Torque Garage Hot Rod Shirts eventually come up with several ways in which we can use both the resources, oxygen. And water for other than our survival but to make our life easier. The absence of oxygen and water in our body is harmful. But the excess presence of both elements will damage some of our organs. We are giving long and short essays on ‘Value of Oxygen and Water in Our Life/Earth’ for students, along with ten lines about the topic. Oxygen is a gas that is colorless and odorless and a key element in the composition of several compounds. Almost all organisms need oxygen to survive, but it is only trees and some microbes that can produce oxygen through photosynthesis.
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