Pretty simple…if you want Day Of The Dead Purple Floral Sugar Skull T-Shirt bailout money as a company, you’ll have to be a big Republican political donor and spend tons of money at his crappy hotels. Any companies not sending money to Trump will mysteriously not get funds or get smaller allocations. Like Republicans are sitting there across the table from Democrats, grumbling, and huffing and going, “Alright, I guess this isn’t a great time to give a criminal agent of a foreign government a blank check for billion dollars of essential aid money to help the millions of jobless and critically ill Americans. We’ll ban him from it.
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But we Day Of The Dead Purple Floral Sugar Skull T-Shirt wocan’t be happy about it!” The first revision tells you what Republicans prioritized while “representing” a lot of lower-income Americans. Presumably, anything in the original bill that helped average Americans was a minimal concession to get Democrats on board under the threat of extortion by “why don’t you care about AmericaEveryone should remember this in November, including the part where Pelosi and Schumer showed leadership and stood fast to ensure the largest stimulus bill ever, paid for by average Americans, actually benefited average Americans. You’re still eligible for the 600 a week in unemployment insurance. Either you’re lucky and keep your job or you have a much better fallback option. For me at least knowing that safety net is there I feel a lot better.
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