Yeah. Going to war against Kushner who got Forever Trusting Who We Are And Nothing Else Matters Metallica Signatures Shirt him forced out in “resignation”. He’s a smart guy, he left himself many outs. One does not go to war with the administration and not Trump unless there is bad blood. So I asked him if it means he’s going to drop his support for Trump and instead go fight the fight with Bannon an co. He said yes. He’s not the smartest guy. He told me once that Alex Jones was telling the truth about the “real” sandy hook details, but then decided to tell me “he was joking, come on, can’t you take a joke?”.
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When it was uniformly decided and discovered that Sandy Hook did in fact happen the way it was portrayed in the media. Despite all that, which is a lot. He’s actually a really nice guy, great handyman with Forever Trusting Who We Are And Nothing Else Matters Metallica Signatures Shirt cars and the like. He’s just super super fucking brainwashed. He thinks trickle down economics have been proven to be successful, that people should be entitled to every last cent they make through markets and that they should basically not be taxed at all, etc.
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