The Official Halloween Lovers Club Witch Shirt fact that Trump is your president is beyond laughable. I hope the world agrees to build a wall around him. He is beyond and he’s taking America down the shitter with him. Sorry, dear american friends but yes. We do not understand why the wearing a mask is still news after 4 months into the pandemic. Not including the riots and looting. We thought you were better than this but seeing yourselves destroy your country and people is just upsetting. America is such a beautiful country, don’t ruin it and your people need to live.
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I’ll be Official Halloween Lovers Club Witch Shirt honest my guy, as an Australian, who has bounced back to deal with COVID very effectively, it’s not really funny what is happening. We genuinely feel for you guys and wish it we could help in some way. The part that is funny is the way that in every outbreak/pandemic movie, its always centering on the Americans to save the day, as well as the whole mindset that “America is the greatest country on Earth”. If this virus and the BLM marches and the responses to these things by the people and government show anything, its that America isn’t even the best country in North America.
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