Kinda Video Game Impostor Guy Among Us Shirt bizarre when you think about it: people are easier to convince about protecting the status quo if their lives suck and are more amenable to trying out change if their lives are going well. At the same time it makes perfect sense if you think in terms of convincing someone happy with their life to give you unilateral power over it versus convincing someone with little to lose and frustrated over lack of options to improve it besides trusting the random outsider. How about we make these areas tourist attractions? Like a monkey zoo, just with free walking imbeciles. We can point fingers, throw fries and laugh at the silly hate monkies.
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I hope they Video Game Impostor Guy Among Us Shirt back these words with definitive process. Alter your policy or you will be removed from the E.U. Time to start stipulating things a bit more. I’m glad the EU has a desire to step in and put a stop to this nonsense, but at the same time, the EU exerting more political control over its members may lead to further polarisation, if only enough people would take action and make grassroot changes locally. Has the church really got that much control and anti lgbt view so prevalent in Poland? Hard to think in this day and age…
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