Yes, we have. 4/5ths of their body is made up Official Airplane Swing Girl Everything WIll Kill You So Choose Something Fun Shirt of 3 separate organs that generate electricity. They’re comprised of electrolytes, specialized cells that can generate 0.15v each. They have thousands of these lined up to facilitate. A flow of ions and stacked so they add a potential difference. When the eel feels like ruining some fishes day, it sends a signal to the organs. To open the ion channels which allow the sodium ions to pass through the electrocyte stacks. This momentarily reverses the polarity of the stacks, which generates an electric current.
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That electric current then hits their target Official Airplane Swing Girl Everything WIll Kill You So Choose Something Fun Shirts and can do anything from the cause. It to twitch (allowing the eel to locate it) or fully paralyze it (allowing the eel to catch and eat it). The eel controls how much power it dumps into the charge depending on the situation. We look at the Matrix movies and see how folks in those films view the idea of using human beings as energy sources. They’re obviously horrified at such an idea, right? So if we’re putting eels into aquariums and using them to light up Christmas trees. Does that mean the eels are in some pseudo-proto-Matrix where the?
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