I feel like a mask could at any Nice Grinch Nurse I am Sorry The Nice #Healthcareworker Is On Vacation Christmas Shirt time be a danger to the driver. When I see people who can’t even wear their masks properly. I also connect that to their driving skills, and if these people then maybe get their eyes covered with their mask for whatever reason they are moving so that happens, I don’t want to be next to them. It is the same as people being on their phone, or people raging too much with other cars. The mask is a potential hazard that can easily be avoided.
Nice Grinch Nurse I am Sorry The Nice #Healthcareworker Is On Vacation Christmas Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Well, if they’re the only people in Nice Grinch Nurse I am Sorry The Nice #Healthcareworker Is On Vacation Christmas Shirts the car then I guess they wear a condom when they drive too. It shows how simple some people are when it comes to things like this. The mask is to protect others primarily if they are the only ones in the car – who is being protected? not bothered as much as eye-rolling — because it shows how deeply programmed they are without concern for logic. exact same reaction to people texting while driving. in both cases, they feel compelled to do something without realizing the nonsensical & potentially dangerous nature of their acts. I only wear a pull-down scarf type mask when a mask is required for entry. If not required, I do not wear them. I do have asthma and was recently taken by ambulance.
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