Yo, we go to the same high Nice Gender Reveal I Think It’s A Boy Baby Shower Party Shirt school. Mine made the news for that also. New York, north of NYC, south of Albany. Damn, nope not new York. maybe I just heard about it but I could’ve sworn. I got in a month-long fight with my developmentally stunted aunt who insisted Allah is a different god because she took an apologetics class that told her so and I was just ignorantly doing the devil’s work as an unwitting dupe and needed to repent. I asked her if she was sure it was a different god and asked her how that could possibly be since she seems pretty certain about monotheism and the existence of only one god.
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Either you believe in multiple gods Nice Gender Reveal I Think It’s A Boy Baby Shower Party Shirts and Allah is a different one, or there is only one god regardless of what you call it. She demanded I attend a cult worship session and get saved. I wrote her out of my life, bc it’s miserable enough without that level of malicious stupidity in it. That’s because when they hear the Arabic word terrorist. Muslim here. I guess you could say it’s kinda like in English we say “god” when referring to a mythological god..etc but use god when specifically referring to the creator.
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